Vitality for Enhanced Mentality
Vitality for Enhanced Mentality
Salve My Body is your complete source of vitality. We exclusively use the highest quality ingredients available in the United States. 95 % of our ingredients are grown in the Rocky Mountains in the front range where pristine air and nutrient-dense soil create the perfect climate for a cultivating our herbs.
About Us
About Us
Salve My Body LLC was established when the father of Luz Aracena, our CEO and co-founder, became very ill while she was obtaining her master’s degree in Public Administration Non-Profit Management option.
Her father was suffering from debilitating pain caused by neuropathy. Luz started researching, doubled her efforts and continued to strategize ways to reduce his pain and inflammation.
It all came to fruition because she realized that other people needed it; she shared it with them and continued her journey of helping others. Luz teaches classes and educates others through her devotion and creation of her alchemical remedies.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Our goal is to provide you with various essential tools that will support you on your personal journey towards wellness. Additionally, our goals is to share, teach, and educate how to create a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle while prioritizing your body.
We are committed to making all products 100% kosher, sustainable, organic, cruelty-free, fair-trade and free of gluten and soy.
Furthermore, our objective is to inform individuals how to create a well-rounded, balanced lifestyle while prioritizing their physical body’s vitality.
Company History
Company History
Luz’s quest toward Salve My Body LLC began while she obtained her master’s degree in 2014. She began extracting herbs to craft potent salve to help her father, who was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes.
With great dedication and persistence, Luz knew and refused to accept the great plant kingdom could not be of assistance. She continued to acquire more knowledge and to empower herself through extensive studying. After her father’s passing, she realized that he may be gone but he left behind the most valuable gift to the world. Salve My Body LLC is the epitome of commitment to ancient herbal practices. Luz will continue to share this tool with everyone in need.
Three months later, Luz met her now fiancé and CEO and co-founder Christian Narvaez. He is an inspirational and compassionate individual, who is committed to upgrading his health and everyone surrounding him. He dedicated more than 20 years in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Through this practice, he has developed various methods to balance the mind, body, and soul.
Christian is a firm believer in spreading his message of wellness and health he feels great responsibility to inform others of his findings in his personal journey. He is incredibly uplifting and motivates others to be the best version of themselves. They immediately knew they would create something together that will leave a ripple effect in the world and enhance the wellness for those who are ready for upgrading and shifting.
After 10 years of restless nights creating countless salve formulas, Luz and Christian have finally mastered the most effective ones to improve your life in unpredictable ways.
Certificates of Analysis available below.
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
Salve my Body LLC.
All ingredients have been lab tested. Certificate of Analysis available upon request. All products are animal testing free.
Salve My Body LLC. is your complete source of wellness enhancement . We exclusively use the highest quality ingredients grown in the United States.
Contact E-mail : Salvemybody2020@gmail.com