* It helps to produce more collagen, which can mean healthier skin, bones, and joints in your dog.
*Zinc prevents dermatitis in Dogs and essential nutrient underused it commercial dry dog food.
* It can create a barrier against allergens.
* It can alleviate inflammation, which is a typical condition for dogs with skin allergies.
* It reduces shedding and dandruff.
* The Omega 3 fatty acids promote healthy, soft skin and a shiny coat.
* Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the body, and EPA and DHA are important fatty acids that have the most health benefits. Salmon Oil is a fantastic way to supplement your dog’s diet to make sure s/he is receiving adequate amounts of these nutrients.
Arctic Omega (Salve My Doggie)
Hemp (solvent-less), Wild Alaskan Salmon oil,
MCT(fragmented medium chain triglycerides), 25mg Zinc